All classes are for women only and must be at least 18 years old to participate.
NO MOISTURIZERS OR JEWELRY: DO NOT apply lotions, heavy moisturizers and oils to skin prior to class as it is unsanitary and causes dangerous slip hazards on the dance floor and our equipment. Any student wearing such may be asked not to participate and/or to clean affected areas. Please do not wear rings, watches and bracelets when using the poles.
PURCHASES: All sales are final and non-refundable. Class packages and memberships can not be shared or transferred among clients.
RESERVATIONS: Reservation are required online in advance with full payment to participate in any class. No drop-ins permitted. To cancel a reservation, please use our online scheduler.
LOW ENROLLMENT: Classes with less than 3 pre-registered will be cancelled. Clients that have pre-registered will be notified via text alert and/or email only. Please make sure your contact information is accurate in your client profile.
SCHEDULE CHANGES & INCLEMENT WEATHER: Our schedule is subject to change at our discretion. We reserve the right to cancel any class, workshop or event for any reason including but not limited to inclement weather, building issues, instructor illness or low registration. We also reserve the right to substitute or change instructors assigned to classes.
CLASS EARLY CANCEL: Any class reservation cancelled 6 or more hours prior to the class will be considered an early cancel. Your class credit will be returned to your account for future use. To cancel, please use our Mindbody online scheduling system or email frontdesk@vixendance.com.
CLASS LATE CANCEL: Any class reservation cancelled less than 6 hours prior to the class will be considered a late cancel and will be charged a $15 late cancel fee. All fees will be charged to the card on file or as a negative balance to your Vixen account. When late cancellation fees are paid, the class credit will be returned to your account for future use. Any outstanding fees must be paid prior to your next visit to the studio. To cancel a class reservation, please use our Mindbody online scheduling system or email frontdesk@vixendance.com.
CLASS NO SHOW: Any class reservation that is missed without prior cancellation will be considered a No Show. Your class credit will be forfeited and you will be charged a $15 No Show fee. All fees will be charged to the card on file or as a negative balance on your account. Any outstanding fees must be paid prior to your next visit to the studio.
CLASS LATE ARRIVAL: New clients must arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of class and will not be admitted once class has started. Existing clients have a 5-minute grace period after the start of their scheduled class. Once class starts, the door is locked for security reasons and no further admissions or exits are allowed until after class.
CLASS WAIT LIST: If you join the wait list for a class, when a spot becomes available you will receive an email and automatically reserved a space in class up to 45 minutes prior to the start of class. If you are on the wait list and can no longer attend class, please cancel the reservation (before you are moved) to allow another client to move up on the wait list. Our normal late cancellation and no show policies apply to clients moved into class from the wait list.
WORKSHOP LATE CANCEL & NO SHOW: Any workshop reservation cancelled 24 hours prior will be considered an early cancel. Your workshop credit will be returned to your Vixen studio account for future use. Any workshop reservation cancelled less than 24 hours prior will be charged a $15 late cancel fee. All workshop late cancel fess will be deducted from the amount paid for the workshop and the remaining amount will be applied as a credit to your account. If you do not show up for a scheduled workshop, your workshop payment will be forfeited. To cancel a reservation, please use our Mindbody online scheduling system or email frontdesk@vixendance.com.
PARTY CANCELLATIONS: To cancel your party reservation, we require 48 hours prior notice via phone or email to frontdesk@vixendance.com. Any party cancelled less than 48 hours in advance is considered a late cancel and the deposit will be forfeited. If the reservation is cancelled more than 48 hours prior, the party may be rescheduled using the same deposit. Any cancellations on site or no shows, will be charged the full balance due to the card on file; there will be no exceptions.
MEMBERSHIP TERMINATION: All Vixen Memberships required an initial minimum 3-month commitment. After the initial 3 months, the membership will be considered month-to-month and can be cancelled at anytime with 30-days written notice via email. All memberships will continue to be charged monthly infinitely until cancelled. Please log into your account and see your membership agreement for additional terms.